Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Diamond Cuts For The Diamond Engagement Ring

You're looking at engagement rings because the time has come and you have made the decision to ask her to marry her. Over the course of your relationship she has no doubt made passing, if not direct, comments about what she likes in or about the engagement ring she wants on her finger.

Diamonds come in a variety of different shapes that are called cuts. So, in general terms the cut of a diamond can also be considered the shape of a diamond. However, more importantly than that, the cut of the diamond actually refers to the length, width and depth of the diamond.

The cut of the diamond is one of the most important aspects to attributing a value to a diamond and can sometimes account for up to one third or more of the diamonds appraisal. Most commonly the reason for this is because certain cuts waste more of the raw diamond in the cutting process. Thus, the diamonds that waste more, cost more.

In addition to the shape, different cuts will affect in different ways how the light passes through the diamond. In this way, how a diamond is cut will also determine its brilliance and sparkle.

Ten Common Diamond Cuts

Round Cut Diamonds:
The round cut diamond shape is without a doubt the most common cut in most diamond engagement rings today. A round-brilliant cut diamond is also the most brilliant diamond because of its 360-degree symmetrical shape. In addition, for centuries the round cut has been used by diamond cutters and is continually being refined to bring out more and more of a diamond fiery brilliance.

Princess Cut Diamonds:
The princess cut diamond is the most common non-round shaped diamond cut on the market today. This cut is considered a modern classic because of its very clean, square lines and dazzling brilliance. Amazingly, even with it's design being square it comes very near the round cut diamond in sparkle. Princess cut diamonds have only been on the market for around thirty years and are second only to the round cut diamond in popularity for diamond engagement rings.

Emerald Cut Diamonds:
Perhaps one the most common of the classic diamond cuts. It is cut in a stepped rectangular fashion and because of this offers a unique optical appearance that highlights the diamonds clarity. Because of this, larger inclusions are sometimes more visible to the unaided eye so diamonds that are cut in this shape typically have to have a higher clarity grade.

Asscher Cut Diamonds:
In 1902 the Asscher brothers of Holland designed this stunning variation of the emerald cut diamond. The difference between the asscher cut diamond from the emerald cut diamond is that the asscher is square rather than rectangular. This cut is not a traditionally chosen cut for diamond engagement rings, however, it's unique blocked corners make it a great choice in a setting that does not hide this feature.

Oval Cut Diamonds:
As the name says, the oval cut diamond is oval in shape and the most near to that of the round cut diamond. This particular cut features a flattering, longer outline that combines with the brilliance of a round cut diamond. Additionally, oval cut diamonds are popular engagement ring choices because their length can accent longer, more slender fingers.

Marquise Cut Diamonds:
With its regal, elongated design the marquise cut diamond maximizes the carat weight of the diamond and gives the appearance of a much larger looking diamond. Its appearance is similar to the oval cut with the major difference being the tapering points at both ends. Also similar to the oval cut diamond, the marquise cut also provides a flattering, elongating effect on fingers.

Pear Cut Diamonds:
A pear cut diamond is very feminine in style and often called the teardrop shape because of its single point on one end with the opposite end being rounded. The pear cut diamond helps to create a subtle, slimming effect on fingers.

Radiant Cut Diamonds:
With its square shape and trimmed corners the radiant cut diamond is a very versatile diamond that combines the classic emerald shape with the brilliance nearly matching a round cut diamond. It is quite similar to the princess cut but is usually slightly more in the shape of a rectangle and it has its corners blocked.

Cushion Cut Diamonds:
A very unique diamond shape that is makes for a very interesting alternative to the princess or oval cut diamonds. It has rounded corners and larger facets that help bring out its brilliance. The cushion diamond is a beautiful combination of round and square and makes quite a statement in solitaire engagement ring setting.

Heart Cut Diamonds:
Heart shaped diamonds are considered the ultimate and most romantic of all the diamond shapes. Not only because of it's shape but also because of the skill required by the diamond cutter to bring out the natural brilliance of the diamond and create the smooth shape of a heart. With it's tapered point and rounded lobes the heart diamond cut makes for an amazing looking engagement ring.

There are many factors to take into consideration when choosing a diamond engagement ring and the cut is often considered one of the most important. Regardless of what diamond cut you choose for the engagement ring of your betrothed, if it's chosen from the heart her eyes will sparkle more than any diamond can.

If you'd like to learn more about diamonds, diamond engagement rings and get a few wedding tips you can visit us at: Diamond Engagement Rings. Don't forget to check out the latest engagement ring auctions when you stop by.

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